Designer, Teacher, Innovator, Gamer building @ your nearest school.
What is this?
The premise of the website is to serve as a platform to hold all the projects that I have. This will serve as a database, portfolio, repository, and platform for myself and (hopefully), my students to use. Don’t worry about the small details yet. We will get to that. Eventually.
How is it done?
I would not say I am well versed in any one skill, but I dabble in the dark arts of “random” apps/software/programs, which is way too much for myself. I am the epitome of “Jack of all trades, master of none,” with emphasis on “master of none”.
"I stopped trying to import google excel into a random name generator as it was a pain in the behind. Instead this is a group creator/random number generator, deal with it."
"This is a simple feedback tool that teacher's can use to ask questions and gather feedback quickly. I promise that it is way faster than going mentimeter or one of those ".io" website to create a question."